Barely there mesh offers great shielding

ESJune13 Pg32 & 33 What's New ChomericsChomerics Europe has introduced a new EMI shielding material for use over vents and displays. Win-Shield Mesh 100P is ideal for commercial and military applications, allowing airflow from vents to be maintained and displays to remain viewable without compromising the shielding integrity of equipment.

The material can also be used as a shielded cable wrap or for protecting flexible circuits. Alternatively, Win-Shield Mesh 100P, with its shielding effectiveness of 55 to 60dB, can be integrated into glass or plastic windows to provide an EMI solution.

Its construction comprises 100 openings per inch, 61 per cent open area copper mesh coated with an inert, blackened polymer coating. Benefits are said to include reduced glare for improved visibility in window applications and the coating is designed not to fade, degrade, or react with moisture in the air.